Elephant |
Place index finger edge of right fist in front of nose - move formation forward and down in an arc. |
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Lion |
Place fingertips of open hands on either side of forehead - while wiggling fingers alternately, move hands down to either shoulder. |
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Giraffe |
Close right hand middle and ring fingertips on to right thumb - hold above head height with palm facing down. |
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Tiger |
In a continuous movement, alternately turn each fist from palm back to palm down while moving arms forward and back. |
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Monkey |
Bend fingers of right hand - move fingernails quickly up right side of body, twice. |
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Crocodile |
Right hand open, palm down, fingers spread - left hand open, palm up, fingers spread. move hands apart, then together again, in the action of opening jaw. |
Bear |
Open right hand in front of face and left fist at chest height- while closing right hand to fist, move it forward forcefully to cross left fist. |
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Snake |
With nails of right hand index and middle fingers on ball of thumb, place back |
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Dinosaur |
Place tips of middle and ring fingers on ball of left thumb. Move side of extended right index finger to describe two peaks on back of left formation. |
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Fish |
Cross open hands at wrists and wiggle fingers of both hands simultaneously. |
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Tortoise |
Place open right hand on back of open left hand in front ob body and simultaneously move thumbs in several forward movements. |
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Whale |
Hold open left hand palm down in front of body. Place right hand fingertips on ball of right thumb and place little finger edge of this formation at base of left thumb - move right hand back to the left while flicking open to fingers spread. |
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Zebra |
Extend right hand index and middle fingers, fingers spread. Stroke tips of this formation on right side of body, twice. |
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Lizard |
Place fingernail of right hand crooked index finger on ball of thumb - place back of this formation on chin - flick index finger open, twice. |